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Rajant Corporation is the exclusive provider of private wireless networks powered by the patented Kinetic Mesh® network, BreadCrumb® wireless nodes, and InstaMesh® networking software.
Founded in 1897, Borets is a global leader in artificial lift systems engineering, manufacturing, sales and servicing.
At IMDEX we develop cloud-connected devices and drilling optimisation products to improve the process of identifying and extracting mineral resources for drilling contractors and resource companies globally.
Since 1983, we have been helping companies like yours with the most accurate and timely project and plant spending intelligence, based on the highest quality-assurance standards in the industry. We provide value for you by reducing the time it takes you to qualify project opportunities.
Thor Global is an international company that has been designing, manufacturing and delivering bulk material handling equipment for over 40 years. Smart design, low maintenance and durability & longevity are the key distinguishing characteristics of these products. Our mission is to equip clients with the tools to handle bulk material and...
As a global leader in commercial intelligence for the energy, metals and mining industries, we provide objective analysis and advice on assets, companies and markets, giving clients the insight they need to make better strategic decisions.